Slack to transform into an AI-Powered Hub for Enhanced Workflow and Communication.

Slack is set to revolutionise the way businesses communicate and manage their workflows by incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) at the heart of their platform. Announced at the Salesforce World Tour event in NYC, these advancements aim to streamline the user experience and facilitate the creation of AI-driven applications and integrations.

AI Takes Centre Stage in Slack’s Evolution

Slack has come a long way from being just a communication platform. Their recent partnership with OpenAI to introduce a ChatGPT app is just the beginning of their ambitious vision for integrating AI into the platform. Currently, in beta, this integration sets the stage for future developments in Slack’s AI capabilities.

With SlackGPT, the company’s own generative AI built on its platform, users and developers can harness the power of AI to create personalised experiences. The rich content within Slack serves as a foundation for building models that enhance collaboration and productivity. By leveraging Slack’s vast ecosystem of partners and platform features, customers can integrate AI into their workflows in a variety of ways.

Slack is currently exploring three key approaches:

  1. AI will be natively integrated into the user experience, with SlackGPT enabling faster communication, learning, and work. AI-powered conversation summaries and writing assistance will be directly available within Slack, streamlining collaboration and content creation.
  2. Developers can create AI steps in workflows by tapping into external apps and large language models, enabling them to build custom AI-driven experiences. The recent release of an updated developer experience further facilitates the incorporation of generative AI into the platform.
  3. EinsteinGPT, Salesforce’s generative AI, will be integrated into Slack, allowing employees to access Salesforce content and insights directly within the platform. This will help improve the team’s understanding of customers and provide data-driven decision-making support.


The integration of AI into Slack represents a significant step forward for the platform and its users. By leveraging the power of AI, businesses can streamline their communication, improve collaboration, and access valuable insights for more informed decision-making.

While critics may argue that the introduction of AI into workplace communication could lead to an overreliance on technology, reducing human interaction and creativity. However, this perspective overlooks the potential of AI to augment human capabilities rather than replace them.

Slack’s AI advancements, such as AI-powered conversation summaries, address the challenges of information overload and inefficiencies in communication. Employees no longer need to sift through long threads to grasp the main points, saving time and reducing frustration.

Moreover, AI-driven writing assistance for content creation offers users invaluable support, particularly when generating content for Slack Canvas or creating automated messages within workflows. These capabilities demonstrate the immense potential of AI in enhancing productivity and collaboration.

Developers, too, can benefit from the incorporation of AI, enabling them to build customised and innovative AI-driven experiences for users. With over 2600 apps available in Slack’s ecosystem, businesses have the flexibility to integrate generative AI into their workflows as they see fit.

Lastly, the integration of EinsteinGPT, Salesforce’s generative AI, into Slack highlights the potential for seamless access to customer insights and data-driven decision-making. This valuable feature further solidifies Slack’s position as a comprehensive platform for effective collaboration and communication.

In conclusion, Slack’s AI-driven transformation offers businesses the opportunity to revolutionise their workflows, communications, and overall productivity. Although the full range of AI capabilities is still in development, the platform’s current direction signals a promising and innovative future for Slack and its users.

Related post to read:

OpenAI Unveils GPT-4.

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