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Ted Sawyer

Ted is an experienced content writer with a keen interest in business. He has many years of experience in the digital marketing space and is also involved in online businesses. Ted loves technology and is always curious about new tech and smart wearables. He is passionate about Blockchain and is currently working on various Blockchain projects.
Do Laptop Hard Drives Work In Desktops_

Do Laptop Hard Drives Work In Desktops?

If you’re looking to upgrade your desktop computer, you might be wondering if you can use a laptop hard drive on your desktop. The good news is that most laptop hard drives will work just fine on a desktop computer, …

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Six of the best cooling pads for 17-inch gaming laptops.

6 Best Cooling Pads For 17-Inch Gaming Laptops

Now that you’ve figured out that your laptop’s overheating. Possibly, you’ve cleaned out the dust and even changed out your thermal paste. However, your laptop is still overheating.  You have finally settled on getting a cooling pad. Maybe your friend …

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